August 13, 2008

Nieman Marcus top 7 for Fall

I love seeing what those in the fashion world think the top current season trends are - and what amazes me - they're all pretty in-sync with one another.

Before I started paying close attention to trends (when I was in diapers), I would have believed that there was some big fashion guru meeting, where all the top designers etc. would decide what the new trends are for the upcoming seasons...crazy how they all kind of think alike...or do they?

More on trends in an upcoming post...

Here is what Neiman Marcus is touting as the hottest Fall Trends:
1. Berry Colors
2. High Vamp Shoes
3. Satin
4. Lace
5. Sleek Shapes
6. Romantic Blouses
7. Statement Jewelry
For more from Neimans - go HERE

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