August 20, 2008

Taryn Rose

Taryn Rose is a super cool shoe designer - yes, I wish she was my BFF. I was reading a friend's blog tonight, and she posted an interview with this couture diva.

Here is a snippet of the interview, and who Taryn Rose is...

Orthopedic surgeon and shoe designer Taryn Rose founded Taryn Rose International, a luxury line of shoes, in 1998. Using beautiful materials and stylish designs, her shoe line made a huge statement in the industry - that shoes could look good and also be good for your feet. Over the years, Taryn Rose footwear has continued to combine fashion, comfort and luxury with both their men’s and women’s shoes. In 2006, she add the Taryn by Taryn Rose line - a little more fun and funky that the original collection.

See the rest of the interview HERE - thanks Anna for permission to post and link to this!

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