July 10, 2011

The Compliment Challenge - day 11

Meet my beautiful friend, Stacy!

I've known this beautiful woman since college, and she is one of my dearest friends.  Stacy and I have been through some STUFF together!

I remember in college seeing her and being jealous (in a good healthy way, just to be clear!).  She just seemed so cool.  Like one of those girls who had it all together.  She was a good dancer, had an adorable boyfriend, was stunningly beautiful...of course she was smart and always seemed to be surrounded by a lot of friends.

Knowing Stacy as an adult, we have become close friends.  She is one of those friends where we could not talk for months, and then get together and it would be like no time has passed at all.  I love her because of so many things.  Her heart for Jesus, and her deep desire for His Will in her life; her spunk and sassy nature; and I know that she is someone that I can always count on to be honest with me.

But let's be real.  All of those inside things are beautiful, yes.  But look at her!  Hello! She has the most beautiful hair, and it doesn't matter if it is long or short - it always looks amazing! And her eyes, the most wow color of blue.  I notice people turning to look at her when we walk in a restaurant. I promise it's that God-Beauty that is glowing from the inside out!

1 comment:

liveyourlovoutloud said...

Kathy I shared this on my blog too, challenging my readers to join in! It is so good to see this and remember how special a great authentic compliment makes a person feel.